Wednesday, June 25, 2014

TomTom Issue: Connecting to your computer

A bit of a different post, not about SharePoint this time !

I finally resolved an issue with my TomTom today and thought to share this solution with the world :)

My problem was that after a few seconds of starting my navigation in the car, it would display this message:
"Connecting to your computer".

And this message would stay there forever, until you click OK. Because this message would pop up after 15 / 40 seconds, you almost always are driving. So it was very annoying to pay attention to it and press the OK button while driving.

I logged a ticket with TomTom support, they suggested to reload the software on it, this didn't help. I decided to do some serious debugging and after a few moments I found the answer... The error / message was caused by plugging the TomTom into the Peugeot's own USB connection and not using the TomTom provided 12v ->USB connector:

Because I was using the Peugeot powered USB, TomTom thought it was connected to a computer; showing me the annoying message ! Using the normal 12v connection and TomTom USB converter that comes with the navigation device, no message; problemo solved :)


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